ARP Technical Notes and Publications

A. Semiconductor Metrology and Related

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  1. Dendrimer Dipole Excitation: A Different Terahertz Era

  2. Nanoscale Metrology of Line Patterns on Semiconductor by Continuous Wave Terahertz Multispectral Reconstructive 3-D Imaging Overcoming the Abbe Diffraction Limit -IEEE TSM 2018

  3. Lattice scale inspection of semiconductor interfaces via non-destructive camera-less 3D T-ray imaging

  4. Nano-and Micro-Features on Semiconductor_NRS.000519

  5. An eBook: "A to Z of a terahertz spectroscopy and sub-surface imaging experiment," Tutorial presented at the Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2016 Phoenix, AZ, September 21 – 25, 2016, Phoenix Airport Marriott, 1101 N 44th St, Phoenix, AZ 85008, USA. 11:30am - 12:30 PM, Fri, Sep. 23, 2016

  6. "Advances in Terahertz Spectroscopy Nano-scanner and Sub-surface 3D Imaging for Biomaterial," Keynote talk at the 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Biosensors & Bioelectronics September 22-23, 2016 Phoenix, USA.

  7. Spectroscopic Analysis and Multispectral Imaging of Epitaxial Semiconductors ASMC 2017

  8. Sub-nanometer resolution sub-surface imaging: See article here.

  9. Understanding the interaction of dyes with nanoparticles in organic solar cells. See pdf file here: Show pdf.

  10. Effective testing for wafer reject minimization by terahertz analysis and sub-surface imaging, ASMC 2014

  11. Terahertz Reflective Interferometer for non-destructive paint layer characterization, SPIE DSS 2015

  12. Terahertz Dynamic Analyzer for ballistic deformation characterization (Kinetics Spectroscopy), SPIE DSS 2015

  13. Terahertz Spectrometry and Reflectometry: A new frontier for noninvasive picoscale investigations, Spectroscopy 28(2), February 2013.

  14. TERAHERTZ INSTRUMENTATION: Terahertz technology enables systems for molecular characterization - LaserFocusWorld: 01/01/2012.

  15. Dendrimer based terahertz time-domain spectroscopy and applications  in molecular characterization - Journal of Molecular Structure 1006 (2011) 59–65.

  16. TeraSpectra Validation via Absorbance Spectroscopy - white paper, 2010.

  17. Applications of Terahertz Spectrometer - white paper, 2010.

  18. Terahertz Spectrometer (TeraSpectra) Brochure

  19. Label-free detection of single nucleotide polymorphism and DNA hybridization by terahertz spectrometry. Internal Medicine Review

  20. Ultrasensitive label-free detection and quantitation of DNA hybridization via terahertz spectrometry - Proc. SPIE 7568, 756810 (2010); 

  21. Label-free and Dilution-free Detection and Analysis of Molecular Chirality via Terahertz Spectrometry (white paper)

  22. White paper:  Remote detection of Explosives/IED by THz spectrometry

  23. Dendrimer based terahertz source and spectrometry

  24. Dendrimer Terahertz Technology: Application in Life Sciences

  25. Common explosives' spectra

  26. Wafer CMP monitoring - white paper, 2012

  27. Biopolymer Blends - white paper, 2012

  28. Self-assembled monolayer on wafer - white paper, 2012

B. TeraScan: Terahertz Non-destructive Depth Profiler

  1. Early detection of skin cancer. See here.

  2. Diffusion kinetics and permeation concentration of human stratum corneum, Drug Development & Delivery, May 2012.

  3. Reflectometer brochure

  4. Terahertz Dynamic Scanning Reflectometry of Soldier Personal Protective Material

  5. Bragg’s Law in the Terahertz Regime: Application in Depth Concentration Gradient Estimation

C. Terahertz generation from EO dendrimer

  1. "Dendrimer Dipole Excitation: A New Mechanism for Terahertz Generation," 2016.

  2. Engineering dendrimers to produce dendrimer dipole excitation based terahertz radiation sources suitable for spectrometry, molecular and biomedical imaging, Nanoscale Horiz., 2017. DOI: 10.1039/c7nh00010c

  3. Wide Range Broadband Terahertz Emission From High χ(2) Dendrimer (and spectrometer calibration with polyethylene card) - Proc. SPIE 8261, 82610H (2012);

  4. Stimulated Emission of Terahertz Radiation from Electro-optic Dendrimer - Proc. SPIE 7601, 76010C (2010);

  5. Dendrimer waveguide based high-efficiency terahertz source (2008)

  6. White paper: Nanophotonic Integrated Circuit: A Platform for an “Optical Processor” 2005

D. Others

    ," In: Advances in Materials Science Research IBSN: 978-1-53612-768-3 Editor: Maryann C. Wythers © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

  2. White paper: Terahertz Spectroscopy Brings a New Dawn of Biological Research

  3. A review of DWDM

  4. AWG_Characterization

  5. Market and Technology Trend of Integrated Fiberoptic Networks

  6. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of PAMAM Dendrimers

  7. Dendrimer Adsorption Measured by QCM

For more information please contact ARP.


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