Terahertz imaging system: TeraImager©


The system is composed of three main components. 

1.   A terahertz source suitable for generating wide range terahertz radiation for illuminating the object interior

2.   A camera system for capturing image on the surface and sub-surface

3.   A computer with software for capturing and analyzing the images

Each of three components are described in the mini brochure.


Fig. 1.  A hidden metallic shape inside a bag (left) revealed with T-ray (right).  Picture taken in reflection from ~10 feet away by FLIR camera. The T-ray source is a dendrimer based fixed power source ~10 mW, CW.


Fig. 2.  The same hidden metallic shape as above inside a bag (left) revealed with T-ray (right).  Picture taken in reflection from ~10 feet away by FLIR camera. The T-ray source is a dendrimer based tunable source pumped by fiber-coupled CW laser.

For more information please contact:

Applied Research & Photonics, Inc.
470 Friendship Road, Suite 10
Harrisburg, PA 17111
e-mail: info@arphotonics.net

Phone: 717-623-8201

Fax: 717-566-1177

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Applied Research & Photonics, Inc.