Dr. Anis Rahman wins NASA Tech Brief’s
Nano-50 Innovator Award 2008

ARP Press Release

11/14/2008, Harrisburg, PA.

Harrisburg based Applied Research and Photonics Inc. (ARP)’s founder and Chief Technology Officer Dr. Anis Rahman is the first Bangladeshi American to receive the NASA Nanotech Briefs Nano 50 Award in the Innovator category for 2008. Dr. Rahman was one of the 14 recipients of this year’s Nano 50 Innovator award for his work on nanotechnology based terahertz radiation source and spectrometer.

ARP has invented a high power high efficiency terahertz technology having applications in biological, biomedical, pharmaceutical, and other life science areas. This proprietary technology is protected by US patents (awarded and pending). ARP’s terahertz spectrometer uses a novel nanomaterial for high power terahertz generation.  Terahertz technology provides next generation capabilities, overcoming the so-called terahertz gap, with new spectroscopy applications in this spectrum range that can not be done in any other way.

Anis Rahman and his son Aunik K. Rahman received the nano 50 Innovator award at the NASA Tech Briefs National Nano Engineering Conference in Boston, November 12-13, 2008.

Anis Rahman with Linda Bell

Anis Rahman with Bishun Khare


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