Applied Research & Photonics Receives Nano 50TM Award

Harrisburg, PA – June 01, 2007

Applied Research & Photonics Inc. (ARP), a leader in innovative nanophotonic integrated circuit (nPICÓ) for photonic components, wavelength management, photonic routing, and multifunction photonic chips, announced the introduction of its first terahertz chip to address terahertz spectroscopy and imaging applications. The new product, based on the ARP’s proprietary dendrimer based nanophotonic technology platform, will be announced later this year. ARP will be introducing the new products to potential customers at a 2008 Conference.

“A principal barrier to effective use of terahertz (THz) technology in many applications is the available average terahertz power from compact sources. The current state of the art employs conventional cavity mode locked lasers which are expensive and limited in oscillator power. Conventional photoconductive devices produce average pulse train energy on the order of microwatts. For many practical applications, such as inspection and screening, detection of hidden weapons on humans, illicit materials, and biological imaging, the lack of power necessitates long signal acquisition times, and is insufficient to divide among an array for parallel detection or synthetic aperture imaging,” says Dr. Anis Rahman, President and Chief Technology Officer of ARP. Dr. Rahman added that “High power is also critical for sub-surface imaging and spectroscopy applications, where the THz beam may suffer considerable attenuation due to absorption and scattering as it propagates through the medium. A relatively high power source in a small form factor that is suitable for the above applications does not exist. The objective of this product is to produce an innovative terahertz source from a dendrimer waveguide technology that is capable of delivering higher output power at room temperature.”

The company is also producing amplified wavelength management products from the nPIC technology. Future additions to the nPIC product line include loss-less integrated mux/demux, amplifier, and modulators for 1×N and N×N applications. Anis Rahman added, “I am confident of the market potential for these new devices. The new nPIC product lines fill existing gaps in the market and rapidly capitalize on our proven technology platform. Our terahertz chip and other nPIC products meet urgent customer needs and set new performance benchmarks.”

For more information please contact:

Dr. Anis Rahman
Applied Research & Photonics, Inc.
470 Friendship Road, Suite 10
Harrisburg, PA 17111
Phone: 717-220-1003


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Applied Research & Photonics, Inc.